A Phenomenology of Thailand

Your jail-cell window to Bangkok.

Monday, July 05, 2004

what's wrong with you????

Here's an interesting bit from an article that explains it rather well: Advice for Expatriates on Working with Thais.

In Thai companies, staff are not encouraged to think for themselves. The bureaucratic system of company management has no place for individual thinkers. Following the company line is far more prevalent. Therefore, do not be surprised at the look of blank discomfort and the deafening sound of silence if you pointedly ask a Thai colleague, "What do you think?".

I've had countless meetings where you can hear a pin drop or a chair creaking because literally no one wants to speak. It almost feels like a waste of time holding meetings with some people here, especially those who think that voicing out opinions to elders (a.k.a. The Powers That Be) is disrespectful. Meetings here are often constituted by one person talking/giving a lecture, attendants nodding their heads in agreement (but really thinking otherwise), and dead silence -- it's almost Gattaca-meets-AI-creepy.

Ugh. 5 more months til my prison... er work term is officially over.