Everything I Need To Know I Learned Teaching Kindergarten

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I have always wanted to - or even try - to be a kindergarten teacher. Last year, Pauline asked me if I would be interested in teaching catechism to a kinder class. Most of my friends here who have kids are involved in a sunday school program organized by the church, and the teachers are either parents or crazy single volunteers (that's me!). And so I said yes, not entirely sure of what it took to teach 5-year olds.
Eight months later, I have survived my kinder class experience. These kids may be 5 year olds, but I get floored with their quips and comments. It’s amazing how I’ve stopped myself from throwing a few of them out the window!
Of course there’s a good side to it. I looked forward to dragging myself to church every Sunday at 8AM and screaming my head off (and doing just about anything to hold their short-spanned attention). Looking down at their naughty little faces the day they gave me and Teacher Armi goodbye gifts made me a bit sad. I just hope they learned as much as I did.
To Jacob, Elijah, Luis, Raya, Caitlin, Dominic, Benedict, Dominique, Tristan, Rachel, Hailey, Danielle, Romoel, Adam, Eri, Abby, Stephanie, Nina, Nica, Jack, and Claudia: my Sundays will now be quiet, but I'll miss you guys.
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