A Phenomenology of Thailand

Your jail-cell window to Bangkok.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

one month to go!

Only 4 weekends to go in Bangkok and so many things to do! Yikes, where did the time go? Who would have known I'd get nostaligic after 2 1/2 years? I went here in 2001 without knowing anyone or anything about Thailand... and now that I'm leaving it feels like I'm uprooting a big part of myself.

But before I go full throttle into my sentiments...

- throw/return/give away things- pack and ship at least half my stuff by Nov. 13
- say goodbye to Chatuchak (sniff, sniff!)
- clear out my desk before my replacement at work gets here
- kanchanaburi weekend (oct. 23-24): elephant trek and canoeing
- look for work in Manila
- print and give out our Save The Date cards
- say goodbye to the kids in CCD
- say thank you to the pseudo aunts and uncles who have checked on me during my stay here

Ugh, the mere thought of packing makes me sneeze.